A new solo artist who used to parade around his bedroom in his boxers pretending to be Axl Rose, and performing the whole 'Appetite for Destruction' album towards the back garden window.
As a frontman, I started to perform live around the West Midlands area with a high school band ‘Awkward Silence’ for three years. It all happened when a guy I'd never spoke to before asked me to sing for about five seconds, and was instantly put in the band as the new lead singer. Which led to an entertaining three years.
Whilst gigging around the area with the band, one day picking up my older brothers guitar I was rarely interested in playing it again, mainly because I didn't feel like copying the older sibling.
After the band and going through college, I started to write music on my own. With influences including the likes of Radiohead [OK Computer] and Muse [Hullabaloo].